A rough and tumble attempt at a bibliography of news reports and articles that mention Kirk von Ackermann and/or Ryan Manelick.
Note: some of the following are no longer available online. Some have now been archived and are pay-to-view.
A quick trip thru the Missing Man archives, just to the right, should help in locating a few excerpts. The two articles by Colin Freeman, also linked to the right, are the most comprehensive to date. They are also included below.
My Waterski Hol on Saddam River
by Philip Cardy, The Sun, September 22, 2003
Two injured in Tikrit army base blast
Thomas Crosbie Media, October 12, 2003
Mystery surrounds US businessman missing in Iraq's 'Sunni triangle'
by Colin Freeman, Telegraph, November 9, 2003
Bay Area civilian vanishes in Iraq
by Colin Freeman, San Francisco Chronicle, November 11, 2003
Moss Beach man missing in Iraq
San Mateo County Times, November 12, 2003
Local mysteriously vanishes in Iraq
Burlingame Daily News, November 12, 2003
News In Brief
by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, November 14th, 2003
U.S. Civilian Contractor Killed in Iraq
by Jim Gomez, The Associated Press, November 14, 2003
Contractors' Deaths Add to Iraq Toll
by Seth Porges, Editor & Publisher, November 14, 2003
C'est l'histoire de deux chefs d'entreprise - interview with Ryan Manelick
24 Heures, November 18, 2003
Von Ackermann: 'a regular guy?'
by Jeanine Gore, Half Moon Bay Review, November 24, 2003
Family mourns CV grad killed in Iraq ambush
by Cindy Stauffer, Lancaster New Era, December 18, 2003
Drive-By Shooting In Iraq Kills Civilian CV Graduate
WGAL Channel, December 18, 2003
Two men with ties to county fall victim to Iraqi violence CV graduate shot to death in Baghdad
by Justin Quinn, Intelligencer Journal, December 18, 2003
Ryan G. Manelick, Air Force linguist - obituary
Intelligencer Journal, December 18, 2003
Ryan G. Manelick, Air Force linguist - obituary
Lancaster New Era, December 18, 2003
WLMI News Briefs
WLMI, 11:00 AM, December 30, 2003
Outsourcing the War
by Peter W. Singer, Salon.com, April 16, 2004
Iraq, Inc.: A Profitable Occupation
by Pratap Chatterjee, Seven Stories Press, November 2004, page 144
Hostage Families Face Tough Choices
by Libby Lewis, NPR, Morning Edition, February 7, 2005
Suspicion surrounds missing Bay Area man
by Colin Freeman, San Francisco Chronicle, February 13, 2005
US Army launches fraud probe in Iraq contractors' killing, disappearance: report
by Andrew Hay, Agence France-Presse, February 13, 2005
Foul Play in Iraq?
by Douglas Waller, Time Online, February 13, 2005
Without A Trace In Iraq
by Douglas Waller, Time Magazine, February 13, 2005
Murder mystery in Iraq
by David Batstone, Sojourner, February 17, 2005
An Iraq Murder Mystery for Negroponte?
by David Corn, davidcorn.com, February 18, 2005
Winters business employed murdered, missing workers
by Debralo Guercio, Winters Express, Ferbuary 24, 2005
Graves found at depot pose puzzle in Iraq
by Harry Esteve, The Oregonian, March 03, 2005
The Missing
by Rod Nordland, Newsweek, March 11, 2006
One Missing, One Dead: An Iraq Contractor in the Fog of War
by Susie Dow with Steven Reich, ePluribus Media, May 15, 2006
Military: Missing soldiers found dead
by Cesar G. Soriano, USA Today, June 20, 2006 - side bar to article
13 Americans still listed as missing
AP, June 20, 2006
American soldiers and civilians kidnapped or missing in Iraq
AP, June 21, 2006
Soldiers' bodies recovered
by Kim Gamel, AP, June 21, 2006 - side bar to article
Rules usually protect GIs from capture
by Ryan Lenz, AP, June 21, 2006 - side bar to article
Military releases new details about killing, recovery of kidnapped soldiers
AP, USA Today, June 27, 2006 - side bar to article
Family's nightmare begins at gunpoint Part 1
By Deborah Hastings, AP, Salt Lake Tribune, December 24, 2006
Kidnapped Americans in Iraq
By Deborah Hastings, AP, Salt Lake Tribune, December 24, 2006
Von Ackermann - obituary
The Albuquerque Journal, January 14, 2007
Death of a Contractor: Greed and Murder in Iraq's Lawless Desert - original link expired
Death of a Contractor - alternative source
pp. 70-74, 76-69 (print version includes photos)
By Dan Halpern,
Rolling Stone, March 8, 2007, Issue 1021
Missing Contractor: US Military Mechanics may Hold the Keys
By Susie Dow,
ePluribus Media, April 21, 2008
Curse of the Al Dulaimi Hotel: And Other Half-truths from Baghdad
By Colin Freeman,
Monday Books, July 2008
Iraq calmer but copycat kidnappings spread
By Pamela Hess,
Associated Press, October 13, 2008
(includes photo of Kirk von Ackermann)
EXCLUSIVE: New Documents Claim Intelligence on Bin Laden, al-Qaeda Targets Withheld From Congress' 9/11 Probe - about von Ackermann's former intelligence work
By Jeffrey Kaye and Jason Leopold,
Truthout, June 13, 2011
Attachment - Unclassified FOIA Response - PDF (must read)
Report: Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden - about von Ackermann's former intelligence work
By Jeffrey Kaye,
Truthout, May 23, 2011
Review of Joint Forces Intelligence Command Response to 9/11 Commission - PDF
Deputy Inspector General for Intelligence
Department of Defense
September 23, 2008
This post will be updated on occasion as new articles appear in the press.