Susan Brannon is a photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East including Iraq. Her photo of a British tourist accompanied the article, My Waterski Hol on Saddam River. It was published on the front page of the London tabloid, the Sun. She also took a photo that day of another waterskiier: Ryan Manelick.
© 2003 Susan Brannon. Ryan Manelick waterskiing on the Tigris River in Iraq on September 19, 2003. Photo courtesy of Susan Brannon Photography
I hung out with Ryan at our hotel in the evenings after everyone came in for curfew. He told me about his family and how excited he was for being able to make a bunch of money to get ahead in life.Colin Freeman also wrote an article on waterskiing in Iraq. Although this one contains no mention of Ryan Manelick, it is linked below.
I am so sorry to have heard about what happened.
- Susan Brannon
Take it easy and waterski through Baghdad
by Colin Freeman, The Scotsman, October 26, 2003