Friday, August 13, 2010

Joint Personnel Recovery Agency

The Defense Business Board has advised Secretary Gates that the Department of Defense eliminate Joint Forces Command.

I'm wondering what happens to the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency which is a subordinate of the Joint Forces Command at Fort Belvoir. The idea that it might go over to Special Operations Command doesn't inspire confidence. (See: Lynch, Jessica)


By Andrew Tilghman, Army Times, August 11, 2010

By Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic, August 9, 2010

1 comment:

Marc said...

PRA was handed over to the Joint Staff J7 (with "Executive Agent" authorities given to the USAF). I don't know how the division of responsibilities is intended to work but the the final result probably represents a compromise between the Joint Staff and the USAF. Both were fighting over JPRA (as was OSD).

The question remains whether the Joint Staff can transform JPRA and make it effective and relevant. JFCOM was unable to do that.